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Insulation Board

Rs. 3,825.00
Brand: Bitumat
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0774 953 653 | 0777 731 670 | 0771 200 201
Brand - Bitumat
Model - WHF18
Thickness - 50mm
Board Size - Standard size L - 1250mm x W 600mm
also available L - 2500mm x W 1200mm
Edge Profiles - Shiplap
Surface - Smooth
Bitumat BituTHERM is utilized for the thermal insulations of:
• Flat roofs, either accessible or non-utilizable,
as inverted roof construction.
• Roof Gardens.
• Parking decks.
• Exterior walls of buildings insulted on outer
• Below-grade exterior walls of basements
(Perimeter insulation).
• On-grade floors of buildings.
• Cold store Insulations.
Bitumat BituTherm (W) can be used as wall insulation also. It can be applied in several ways including as a sandwich application.
Bitumat BituTherm (R) can be very conveniently installed on a roof. In classical as well as Inverted roofs. It can be used with most roof membranes if appropriate precautions are observed. Once the waterproofing membrane has been installed and flood tested, the Bitumat BituTherm insulation boards can be installed loose laid or spot bonded to the waterproofing membrane. In protected roof membrane assemblies, ballast is applied after Bitumat BituTherm board roof insulation has been oose-laid over the roof membrane.
IThe recommended specification is for multiple-layer insulation. Bitumat urges double-layer application, especially when the total required thickness of XPS insulation is more than 2 inches (50 mm). Cover boards are considered to be components of a multiple-layer insulation assembly.
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