1Kg Green Seal Flash Set

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Rs. 2,100.00


Model No: WHF23

Brand: Green Seal

 Green Seal

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Brand - Greenseal 

Model - WHF23

Concrete Repair - Cementitious

Time Saving - Setting time, within 1 minute

High Performance - Strong compressive strength, bond strength, and tensile strength. Able to withstand critical thermal cycles.

Environmental friendly - Yes

Setting Time - Within 1 minute

Weight - 1Kg


- Honeycombs, cracks and spalls,
- Anchoring bolts and conduits,
- Basement Walls,
- Manholes,
- Water Pipes and Sewerage,
- Seal leakage area

1Kg Green Seal Flash Set exporters

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Email: info@wedabimahardware.lk

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