5Kg Mapegrout

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Rs. 1,557.00


Model No: WHF34

Brand: Mapei


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Brand - Mapei

Model - WHF34

Composition of the mix – Trowel application - 5 kg of Mapegrout T80 IN 3.5-4.0 kg of water

Composition of the mix – Spray application - 5 kg of Mapegrout T80 IN 4.0-4.5 kg of water

Application temperature range - Surrounding and substrate temperature from +5 °C to +35 °C

Pot life of mix - approx. 15 min (at +25°C)

Waiting time between each layer - max 1-2 hours

Mixing ratio - 100 parts in weight of Mapefill T80 IN with 14 % of water

Preparation of the mix - mixing of the product according to EN 196-1

Curing condition - CC (according to Annex A – EN 12190)

Colour of mi - Grey

Consistency of mix - Thixotropic

Weight - 5Kg

5Kg Mapegrout exporters

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